Career Guidance for Planning & Reinvent Your Career

We Currently Do Individual & Couples Counseling by Video Conferencing or by Phone
© 2024 Bonnett Chandler, MA, LPCC; Richard Chandler, MA, LPC; Kelly Krueger, MA, LMFT
The most common reason people like you seek me our for career guidance, life coaching, and workplace consulting in St Cloud, MN, is to gain confidence in choosing a new career. I'll look forward to hearing about your background, career possibilities, and ideas of how you might move towards your new career. You may also ask us about the services that could benefit you most in achieving your goals as well as their costs.
These discussions include exploring your innate preferences, unique abilities, and career aspirations. We do this through reliable and valid assessments as well as having a detailed career guidance exploration. Please call or email if you wish to schedule an appointment about vocational career planning and counseling.
For an in-depth insight into changing careers, please go to this link by my own career mentor, Kirk Lamb, Ph.D. It is helpful E-book on changing careers and is now available to read without cost here on this Chandler Counseling & Consulting - St Cloud, MN website.
Online & Phone Career Coaching to Create a Roadmap for Confident Career Change

Career Interview With Richard Chandler
We facilitate a process for taking your present career to a higher level or completely changing careers. This is typically a 3-session process.
Your 1st Session is to comprehensively understand where you are at now in your current career, including the work you have done up to this point. As you share your career history with me, I will be asking you many open-ended questions to discover what you liked and didn't care for about each position you held.
We will also talk about other interests you have had including hobbies or kinds of work that you have been curious about. Doing all of this gives me a comprehensive understanding of your career path up to this point and some ideas for possible new directions.
For your 2nd Session, we dig deeply into your Myers-Briggs® psychological personality type and your affinity towards various kinds of work. We do this by having you take the sophisticated Myers-Briggs® Step II, which is vastly more comprehensive and tailored than the more basic versions. For more information on this assessment, please go to this page on my website.
Next, we evaluate the results from the 2nd career assessment, the Strong Interest Inventory®. This assessment helps us to discover your psychological personality type as an affinity for doing over 100 different occupations. I interpret both the Myers-Briggs® and the Strong Interest Inventory® in light of your work history. The insights from those two assessments will be of value in your personal life as well as your work life.
For your 3rd Session, which may be your final career change session, our efforts will focus on actual potential careers and jobs. A big component of this discussion will be the time and perhaps dollar costs of education and retraining. We also evaluate the marketplace, analyzing the availability of alternative career options, as well as the earning potential for making the transition into your new field.
How Do You Prepare for a Career Counseling Session?

Recently, a client had his counseling session in which we went over his career assessments. He sent me an email asking how he could prepare for his 3rd career session. Here is what I wrote for him:
- Give thought to all of the school, hobby and work activities that you have done in your life, from an early age to the present time. Consider how they relate to your Myers-Briggs, People Styles at work and Strong Interest Inventory findings.
- Talk with your mate and any close friends or work associates about their observations of how you have accomplished things. Ask for feedback about what you have done well and the areas in which they have noticed that you have had a more difficult time.
- Creatively consider what you have not yet done, or done minimally or casually, that you are curious about. What intrigues you?
- Read this short booklet to help you with creating a mindset open to exploring new possibilities. This link takes you to the helpful E-booklet which is on this website.
The Self-Employment Option for Career Reinvention
In addition, we might even look at the potential for you to transition into part-time or full-time self-employment. With some of my clients, the best opportunity was to continue on with their present job, to keep their cash flow stable, and build a low-cost, part-time business on the side. As that business successfully grew, the option to transition to full time would be there, or they could continue with both, based on their desire at that future time.
If you wish to explore career consulting in St Cloud, MN, please contact us by text or phone at (320)223-9481 or by email - [email protected].

Individual Counseling
60-minute Session Sliding Fee Schedule (Based on Before-Tax Income):
Less Than $100,000 = $135.00
$100,000 - $149,999 = $155.00
$150,000 - $199,999 = $175.00
$200,000 - $249,999 = $200.00
$250,000 Or More = $250.00