Choosing the Right College

© 2024 Bonnett Chandler, MA, LPCC; Richard Chandler, MA, LPC; Kelly Krueger, MA, LMFT
Deciding upon a college that best matches your own uniqueness and aspirations is perhaps the most important decision you will make as a high school student, or if you wish to change careers. The consequences of not choosing wisely include significant lost time and many thousands of dollars in additional expense. We have assisted a number of forward-thinking high school students in choosing their personal “best fit” in higher education. Here is the successful format we have used to help other students and their families:
Phase 1: We begin by administering and interpreting the more sophisticated version of the Myers-Briggs® psychological personality type assessment, (the MBTI® Step II), along with the Strong Interest Inventory® career assessment. This phase is facilitated by Richard Chandler, a Myers-Briggs Master Practitioner, and experienced in administering and interpreting the Strong Interest Inventory®.
Those two assessments provide the specific data needed to zero in on both your innate psychological personality type and the careers and college majors for which you have an affinity for. We will also discover the kinds of work and study for which you may have some interest in and could be a good match for you, based on your deeper intrinsic preferences.
Phase 2 consists of a very detailed interview that thoroughly explores a student’s individual affinities, potential colleges, and a good many practical considerations that encompass the college experience itself and beyond. Doing so helps students finalize their choices and perhaps select a major. Please text at 320.223.9481 or email for more information or to schedule a time to begin this process.

Doing Well Academically in High School & College
One more thing... We also do counseling for improving academic performance by helping our high school and college clients to resolve whatever has been getting in the way such as relationship issues, too much partying, and trouble organizing their time and focusing.
I can answer your specific questions by calling or texting me at (320)223-9481 or email me at [email protected], and we can discuss whether or not it makes sense for us to work together.